InnoCryst Ltd provides research, product development, business development and innovation management consultancy in advanced 2D and 3D imaging technologies. We specialise in diffraction, spectroscopy and other analytical technologies for materials science in industrial, laboratory and synchrotron environments.


We offer services in the following areas:

  • New product concepts, business development, startup projects
  • Methods and modelling
  • Data reconstruction, analysis and post-processing
  • Hardware, software and algorithms
  • Instrumentation
  • Experiment design and support at user facilities
  • Engineering/mechanical components, composites, metallurgical specimens, ceramics, geological specimens, paintings, cultural heritage objects


We have particular expertise in the following methods:

  • 3D crystallographic mapping and imaging
  • X-ray based imaging, 3DXRD, Diffraction Contrast Tomography
  • 3D computed tomography (absorption and phase contrast)
  • elemental and compositional imaging (X-ray fluorescence, K-edge)
  • Raman spectroscopy based imaging
  • non-destructive testing and detection